As the publisher of the Cubberley & Shaw Maritime Museum News, I have run into
a couple of persistent problems which I understand may also occur in the wider
realm of museum pubic relations.

The first issue is publication of exhibit run dates. All too often I receive
press releases which fail to specify when a particlar show is ending. Please be
sure to include this information and also keep us informed about extensions or

The second issue applies to smaller institutions which seek to conserve their
limited mailing resources through the use of non-profit mail. My experience has
been that 9 times out of 10 the material arrives too late of have any value at
all. A low cost post card or, better yet an email message, will go a long way
toward ensuring timely inclusion of event listings.

Thanks for your consideration.

Frank Conahan -ed.
Cubberley & Shaw Maritime Museum News
PO Box 607
Groton MA  01450-0607