With all these comments about superficiality and crowds and staff being
diverted from their real jobs - which implies that the public is not part of
their real jobs - I suggest that we all look at who supports museums.
Remember, most are 5.01(c)3 public charities which pay no taxes and exist for
"educational, charitable and/or scientific purposes."  If the appearance of a
highly hyped show creates reasons for just plain old people (taxpayers) to use
their possessions (even private museums are tax-supported by the mere absence
of taxes), if a kid is stimulated to go home and read a book, if a museum
becomes a memorable experience, if paying audiences and donors provide more
funding, isn't this what should be happening? I take exception to the tone of
many of the comments I have read over the last several days and urge the
museum industry to be more aware of who feeds it and why.

Mac West