Hello listers:

I know this isn't quite on museum topic, but I was hoping some of you might
have some insight to my little problem.  I am trying to find a 5 volume book
set printed between 1881 - 1885 by A. V. Guillemin in Paris called "Monde
Physique" or it may be titled "Le Monde Physique" about physics/science for the
lay people.
I have looked at many
places as I could think of on the intenet.  I have tried Bibliophile and a
bunch of other on-line book sellers with no avail.  The only place I have seen
it is in the NY public library.

Any ideas?  Does anyone know of a antiquirian/rare book listserve that I could
join as well?

Thanks -

Lauren Friedman
Carnegie Museum of Art
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