Experience and longevity are what a lot of employers look for in
potential employees.  Most of us trying to "break into" the museum world
are all to knowledgable of that.  Actually I am informed that a salary
can be negotiated but that only goes so far.  Going elsewhere is also,
easier said than done.  My message was neither uplifting nor deafeatist,
but real.  I will however continue to pursuit a museum career.  Perhaps
here I will use a different terminology- to say that I will get my ideal
salary eventually but until then I will enjoy my job.  I figure, I am
young and I do have time.

>From [log in to unmask] Tue Nov 24 03:52:24 1998
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>Newsgroups:   bit.listserv.museum-l
 >Date:         Mon, 23 Nov 1998 20:02:53 -0800
>Reply-To:     Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender:       Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>From:         "Olivia S. Anastasiadis" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Re: one solution to low salaries
>To:           [log in to unmask]
>On Mon, 23 Nov 1998 13:34:40 PST geneen wright <[log in to unmask]>
>>I would Like to agree with you Mark but your response sounds more
>>idealistic.  I am currently interviewing for museum positions.  There
>>are so many others out there wanting the same positions.  This being
>>the case I really do not see any solutions to low salaries besides
>>which another individual pointed out, WORK YOUR WAY UP.
>Yes, you do work your way up, but at the same time, you can demand a
>higher wage, it's just that nobody told you about it.  I would like to
>say that everyone's comments have been either uplifting or downright
>defeatist; it's one of those polarizing discussions I guess.  But the
>bottom line is, you've got to make sure that if the salary they've
>you won't feed you or the dog, it's time to tell them and negotiate.
>that won't make the employer budge any higher, then just give it up and
>go on to another opening.  But if you do take the low pay, still ask
>employer, what will you do for me in the next year or two or even in
>next five years?  This is a question that would at least tell the
>employer  you are committed to staying there, prove your worth, and be
>recompensated.  Otherwise, there is no way you're gonna get your cake
>eat it too.  Degrees are fine, and they do help, but I always look to
>experience and longevity in the system; that's what gets museum workers
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