Keep in mind that not all Native American graves were "prehistoric" at the time they were looted.  In fact many of the descendants were alive.  Not to mention the hundreds (thousands?) of Native Americans that were killed , and whose remains were sent back for study under government funded programs.  That's a whole other can of worms.

>>> Deb Fuller <[log in to unmask]> 11/20 3:01 pm >>>
Digging up ancient peoples who have no direct decendants (as in someone can
create a family tree back to a prehistoric person) alive today is a
completely different story.

No one bats an eyelash when a Roman, Egyptian or Celtic site is dug up and
human remains are excavated even though there are probably decendants still
living in the area today.  But when a prehistoric Native American site is
excavated, people everywhere start talking "repatriation."