At 11:11 PM 11/16/98 -0500, you wrote:

>My apologies to all the artists who responded on and off list in regards
to my
>instructions on how to "steal" web images.  A collegue asked a question and I
>answered it with no intent to deal with the legalese of the issue -- however
>-- my advice to artists concerned about copyright violations would be:  If my
>son can download images (he taught me how), coupled with the ease in which
>images can be manipulated,  then I don't think that one would be prudent to
>put images online that they don't want borrowed from time to time.  Of
>I don't want this to be misconstrued as a condonement of copyright
>infringement, but we must live in reality.

Copyrighted works found on the Internet may be taken and used legally when
the use qualifies as a "fair use" under copyright laws.  In such cases it
is important to know how to capture these works.  The technology used to
"steal" is the same used to enable the fair use of these works.  If the
author of the above note must apologize for anything it is for falling
victim to the unwarranted assertion that all unlicensed uses are de facto
illegal, and that all takings are thefts.

Robert Baron
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