>>> Jessica White <[log in to unmask]> 10/14/98 03:46pm
> Although, working in England is very tough, and
>I have actually had friends and collegues denied work permits (even
> after they were given the job). However, any leads are helpful...


        There are work permits available for students/youths under the
age of 26 (I believe) for Americans to work for up to 6 months in Great
Britian (similar ones are available for other European nations). At least
this was the case ten years ago when went to work in England for a
summer. You need not have a job lined up when you arrive, although it
helps for piece of mind (two friends and I spent a summer working in
England - two of us had jobs lined up and the third found whatever
struck her fancy). BUNAC was the organization and it worked as a sort
of exchange (I knew several Brits who came to work in the States for a
summer from the same organization).  This is probably how the other
Angela is getting a work permit. (Britain also allows youths (under 28?)
from its former Commonwealth to work there for a while (a year?). I have
known several people to have done that as well.)


                                                             Angela Putney, Ph.D.
                                                             Physics Management Fellow
                                                             American Institute of Physics
                                                             One Physics Ellipse
                                                             College Park, MD 20740

                                                             Phone: 301-209-3135
                                                             Fax:     301-209-3133
                                                             E-mail: [log in to unmask]