On Wed, 2 Sep 1998 17:04:54 -0400, Carol wrote:

>Dear Judy,
>There are a number of factors that will determine the length of your move and the amount  of stress on your staff.


Judy,  Carol did an excellent job of describing many of the problems
and challenges of moving a museum.  Take them seriously.

About a year ago, there was a similar thread on this list with many
contributions that can be helpful.  You should be able to find them in
the archives.  One of the points that I remember is the matter of
inventory.  An accurate and verified inventory of all your existing
collections is essential especially if there are any plans to change
exhibits or to rearange them in the new location.  It was stressed
that this aspect alone can take many months to prepare and many more
to sort out if changes are to be made.   A year to prepare for a move
is not too much.

John Bing