The unfinished portrait of Gilbert Stuart's portrait of George Washington is located here, at the National Portrait Gallery.  I know the Museum Shop has an 8 x 10 of the finished portrait for $10.00.  You can call them at 202/357.1447.

You also might want to contact the Rights and Reproductions office, 202/357.2791.

If you have additional questions please feel free to contact me off list.  I work for the Center of Electronic Research and Outreach Services, which includes the Catalog of American Portraits.  The Catalog is a reference facility on American portraiture and maintains photographs and data on more than 70,000 portraits in public and private collections.

Jennifer Noelle Thompson
Catalog of American Portraits
National Portrait Gallery
Eighth and F Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Telephone:  202.357.3052
Fax:  202.786.2565