I am the Assistant Curator at the Carillon Historical Park, a 65 acre
museum site containing over 35 buildings and free standing exhibits.
Among our most exciting exhibits are the original Wright Flyer III, the
world's first practical airplane, as well as a number of trains, cars, a
canal lock, settlement buildings and exhibits relating to NCR,
Kettering, and Deeds.  There are too many exhibits to mention!  The
point is this--We just had our groundbreaking for a beautiful new
education building.  In addition to the exhibit and family education
functions that will be housed within it, there will be administrative
and other staff offices in the new facility.  Question:  The contractors
tell us that the building will be completed by June 1, 1999.  How long
from the time that the building "acutally" is finished should it take to
move in?  What are some tips that you might be able to give regarding
moves?  What are some of the problems we may encounter.  Our offices
will be moved about 200 yards, while our exhibits probably will be moved
in directly.  Any light you may shed will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Judy Chesen
Assistant Curator, Carillon Historical Park,
Dayton, Ohio