In some ways, we have an easier time of dealing with these issues at our
Botanic Garden. Plants--evergreens, Pointsettias, and Christmas
cacti--are all a traditional part of holiday displays. We can present
decorated trees and wreaths as horticultural displays rather than
religious. But in spite of opportunity to down-play the religious
significance of these things, the fact remains:  decorated trees and
wreaths are Christian no matter what you say about them (and we do hear
about it).

Last year we put a menorah into a display. This made a few people so
happy that it changed my mind about the appropriateness of the object in
our horticultural context. My impression was that the presence of one
menorah just said we weren't ignoring a significant segment or our
audience just because there are not plants connected with non-Christian
religions during this time of year.

People are sensitive and feelings are tender during the holiday season.
Furthermore, the opportunity to make money by catering to the beliefs
and feelings of an audience presents another kind of pressure. These
realities complicate our decisions about what is appropriate at our

I'm very interested in following this discussion stream to hear more
opinions and solutions to this sensitive issue.

Katherine Johnson
Chicago Botanic Garden