The Robert E. Lee Memorial Association, Inc., which owns and operates Stratford Hall Plantation, was founded by women.  Stratford's current  Board of Directors, all of whom are women, represent the 50 States and Great Britain.  For more information see

On Tue, 30 Jun 1998 17:04:45 -0400, Henry, Christine <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>To the List:
>I was wondering if anyone on this list could help me with a research
>project?  I am interested in finding the names of collecting
>institutions which were started by women.  I have a partial list which
>Memorial Art Museum, Rochester, NY
>MoMA (possibly)
>Please let me know if you have any institutions to add, or any resources
>I could use to research this information.  Thank you in advance for any
>help.  Please reply on or off list.  My address is [log in to unmask]
>Thank you
>Chrsitine Henry
>Program Specialist
>Institute of Museum and Library Services