Has anyone tried doing a book that explains in more detail each
exhibit in a museum? I'm one of those few who stop and read the
descriptions and spend some time on each display.

What would be really great would be a small pamphlet that follows each
exhibit and goes into more detail about the display. A couple of
examples of the information I would be interested in are: Most of the
time a mask or knife might be identified as African - ca 1800. How
about where in Africa, what is was used for, what tribe, what
materials, how was it acquired, etc.

For another, say a frog. Usually identified with scientifc/common name
and maybe continent. How about a little about habits, size, how
captured/found, common/rare, etc. Or a china cabinet -- what wood,
where/who made, who owned, etc.

It would be great to walk the halls, perhaps match a display number
with the book page, and read further about what was going on in the
display. Obviously, a free pamphlet would be great, but even a cheap
purchase, or maybe buy for a dollar, sell back for fifty cents type of
arrangement could be made. The pamphlet doesn't need to be a fancy
glossy work or art, a simple b/w text would be just as good.

How about it, does anyone do this type of thing -- or why not?


I got one them stupid * in my name
Jim Kajpust - Personal Freedoms - Michigan