Hi --
This question isnt strictly about museums, but if someone on this list
doesnt know the answer, I can't imagine who would.

I have seen a picture, on the cover of a book, of a painting by Magritte
that I'd love to get a print of, but all my web-searching has failed to
find any mention of the picture, let alone any source for it.  The painting
is called 'La Robe du Soir', and according to the credits in the book, it
was done in 1955, with a copyright of 1994 to "C. Herscovici,
Brussels/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York".  It also says the
painting is part of a private collection in Brussels, but naive as I may
be, it's hard to believe that the collection is so private that there
aren't even any prints available.

Does anyone have any ideas where I should go from here ?

Sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking the question, I'm down to
grasping at straws.  Thanks for any help you might be able to give, and I
hope you're all having a wonderful weekend.