I can't even get the URL to open (perhaps someone is now working on an
- Margaret.

At 08:38 6/08/98 +0200, Joris Komen wrote:
>Dear ICOM-L(isters),
>As one of a considered number of African museum collaborators in
>the AFRICOM Handbook of Standards project, I was stunned into
>complete silence (this is a rare phenomenon:-)) for some minutes
>while trying to browse the newly finished Handbook of Standards
>pages hosted at
>as an ICOM internet resource.
>I was flabbergasted; with complete abandon (of ICOM page
>conformity), this entry page comes up as a graphic disaster
>zone...no text whatsoever, and a loooong wait for a visual rehash
>of the handbook's front cover (I'm browsing from a 57k modem
>connection to swipnet.se in Stockholm, so I don't have bandwidth
>problems for a change:-)).  Finding my way around the first
>english page (99% graphics), I then land up in a horrendous frame
>environment, with broken links and more slow graphics.
>These pages suck!
>What I found really disturbing is the fact that I'm listed as an
>author of this Handbook!!  Yesterday was the *first* time I
>received news of this disasterous set of pages, and I am somewhat
>more than a tad annoyed that there was absolutely zero
>consultative process with the *authors* of the Handbook - is this
>becoming a pervasive phenomenon at the ICOM secretariat in
>Hugely disappointed!
>Joris Komen
>National Museum of Namibia