We have been contacted by another museum which wants to have an artist
reproduce several of our artifacts for exhibition purposes.  The
artifacts are old and rare and it is not really feasible for us to
lend them long term for exhibition so this seems a reasonable request.
The objects are fragile and this artist will not be making casts or
other direct facsimiles but rather creating new objects to look like
the old.
However, we are concerned with essentially losing control of our
artifacts through these reproductions and would like to come up with
some kind of agreement limiting the use of these reproductions to
exhibit and education and other not-for-profit uses.  If you have been
in a similar situation or even if you have allowed reproductions to
be made of your artifacts for other purposes we would be interested in
the kind of terms and limits you have set, sample language you have used,
etc., and that those reproducing your artifacts have agreed to.
We would appreciate any help you can give, as we are under a bit of time
pressure on this issue.
Many thanks in advance.

*  Felicia Pickering    *
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