Models and stage scenery

We are trying to localize models and stages  made by artists in 1953 for
the Ballet IV Centenario from Sco Paulo- BRASIL for one exhibition
during the 24 th International Biennial Sco Paulo.
We are looking for drawings or sketchs from: (brasilians) Emiliano di
Cavalcanti, Noemia Mourco, Clovis Graciano, Roberto Burle Marx, Darcy
Penteado, Cbndido Portinari, Tomas Santa Rosa, Heitor dos Prazeres,
Quirino da Silva e Irene Ruchti. (italians) Toti Scialoja and Aldo
Calvo- wo lived in Brazil. (portuguese) Eduardo Anahory.

We will be glad with each and every information. We can provide
photography for identification.
Thank you.

Malu Villas Boas