Hi there!  My name is Ginger Young.  I am a museum science MA student and am
preparing to graduate in December.  I have posted other related queries to the
list and I would first like to thank those who have responded in the past to
them!  I am still looking for job opportunities in the museum field.  I would
love to find one in the southeast region, but understand that that may not be
feasible and therefore I have applied to numerous jobs all over the U.S.  I have
also joined FAM and SEMC, I have bookmarked several museum job sites on the
internet, I check out aviso and the AASLH newletter religiously as well.  Is
there anything else I should be doing or should check into?  Any advice, info.,
or contacts in the southeast region (especially Florida) would be much
appreciated and extremely helpful!

Thank you in advance!  Please feel free to send email to: [log in to unmask]

  Ginger M. Young