For heaven's sake - it was only three pages of text and of much more relevance to the list, one would have thought, than much of the garbage that clogs my mail-box on any given day. Sometimes I think people whine just for the hell of it. Give it a rest...


From:  Friedrich Waidacher[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:  Wednesday, 1 July 1998 03:01
To:  [log in to unmask]
Subject:  Re: ICOM 98  New Zealand Tour - complete itinerary

Roger Smith
Past Chair of ICOM New Zealand:

I do not think that sending such a voluminous text to a complete list is
evidence of good manners and consideration.
As an example, it clogged up my mailbox three times and took 12 minutes of
online time (which I have to pay for privately).

Friedrich Waidacher
Past Chair of ICOM Austria