I tend to agree with most of what Ms. Matharu wrote.. but there is also the
fact (that has also been previously addressed) that most of us BA/MA students
do not have the money to volunteer forever in a day.  I am an MA student in
museum science... and once I graduate in December I hope to have a job.  I
don't think that is a waste of my time, but I am also realistic.  I realize
that there may not be a job there, but I also know how much money in loans I
will need to pay off and a volunteer position is not going to pay those bills
and provide a roof over my head.  It angered me that Ms Matharu wrote that
"initiative, drive, and a positive attitude is what lacks lots of my peers."
Believe me,  if I had money to support myself with I would volunteer my little
heart out.  So it is not initiative, drive and a positive attitude that I am
lacking.  I am happy that she is able to volunteer, and I have also done
that... along with internships and working in museums, but one must keep in
mind that it (volunteering and the like) is not as easy to do as she has
written.  This of course is only my two cents and you are most welcome to
disagree with me.