Hey!  Post a list of those ten to fifteen museums without Directors.  I might want to send some of them a resume.

Robert Handy
Brazoria County Historical Museum
[log in to unmask]

From:   Elizabeth Anne Hanson[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Friday, June 19, 1998 9:38 AM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Re: seeking: ENTRY-LEVEL JOB

Dear Julia,

I find this extremely interesting too.  There was recently an article in
the Chicago Tribune discussing this exact same issue.  At this point I
cannot recall the date, but could find out if you would like to read it.
Anyway this article talked about the fact that many museum directors
the country are quiting there jobs and listed about 10 or 15 top museums
without directors.  Excessive hours and too much work were listed as some
of the reasons many directors are quiting.


On Thu, 18 Jun 1998, J./B. Moore wrote:

> Does anybody else besides me find it ironic that the entry-level jobs
> are so competitive when at any one time these days there are about 100
> museum directorships vacant and looking for applicants?  Guess when
> people do fight their way in and up to the top they find it's not as
> great as it seemed, and hop from job to job finding the "ideal" one.
> Maybe instead of grousing about how hard it is to find an entry-level
> job, we should focus on keeping the good people we have and grooming
> them for the top spots--and making the top spots worth holding.  Maybe
> only then can the museum field move forward.
> Julia Moore
> Director of Exhibitions and Artist Services
> Indianapolis Art Center