In addition to Eric's request, please include a subject heading with
your post; it makes sifting though a lot of e-mail a lot easier.

> PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE (that's me begging), pay attention to how you
> respond to this list.  I am really shocked at the lack of etiquette in
> these postings:  People don't take the time to clip the messages to which
> they are responding; people posting .jpg's which translate as miles of
> gobbledygook; people posting "Me too's"
> As a long-standing list member, I must say that the utility of the list has
> declined in proportion to people's lack of fundamental internet
> consideration.
> Also, please change the title of your post if it is not actually a job
> opening. Tho I am not currently looking for a job, there are plenty of
> folks on the list who appear to be, and you would be saving them time by
> not posting about the pro's and con's of salary listings under the heading
> "Job Opening"
> Harrumph
> Eric
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Nora Hague                                      Tel: 514-398-7100
Senior Cataloger 2D                             Fax: 514-398-5045
Notman Photographic Archives
McCord Museum of Canadian History
690 Sherbrooke West, Montreal
Quebec, Canada H3A 1E9          E-mail: [log in to unmask]
                            Web Site:

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