First of all, our birthday is FEB 26, not JAN 26.
Second, I'm not sure if I approve of you signing of as "Yours" to
Richard Urban. I always thought I was "Yours" and I'm mighty jealous.

Third: Have you heard the latest in the booboo scenario?
Lunch tomorrow (Thursday)?

>>> John Dick <[log in to unmask]> 03/11/98 10:08am >>>

Glad to see you're still at the Delaware Historical Society.  Where are you

A belated happy Jan. 26 birthday to you!  It's Larry, incidentally, who
found you on this MUSEUM-L page.  He's back working at the
Smithsonian, but far from the Libraries:  he's across the Mall, working in
SITES (traveling exhibits) and isn't completely happy yet because it's still
not close enough to the art (=fine arts) world for him.

Be good.

