Is there a web site for museum-L?

If not, it would indeed be handy.  For example, anytime someone has a
question about subscribing or unsubscribing, they could visit the web site.

We could access archives from the web site.

If there is a web site, do you think we could have a footer attached to the
bottom of every message that provides the address?


Jim Angus
New Media
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  90007

voice:    213/763-3317
fax:      213/746-2999
eMail:    [log in to unmask] = [log in to unmask]
          [log in to unmask]
          [log in to unmask]
web site


When they told me I was average, they were just being mean.