May I suggest consulting a number of books in the Association of
Science-Technology Centers' catalog, including ABOUT LEARNING and MUSEUMS,

ASTC's website may be found at

-Steve Eichner, Research Analyst
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______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Education Galleries and Discovery Galleries
Author:  Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]> at Internet
Date:    3/2/98 11:09 AM

I am a second year student in Museum Studies at the University of Toronto
and am presently working on my research paper, the Effectiveness of
Education and Discovery Galleries in Museums today.  I was wondering if I
could get any ideas from those interested in this topic of whether or not
such facilities within museums are effective and are they doing what they
set out to do.  I am presently doing a literature search/review including
discovery learning and experiental learning but would appreciate any other
suggestions i.e are there any articles which deal with the topic of
education galleries and discvoery galleries that I just not been able to
find yet.

I would appreciate any suggestions, and those who are interested in this
topic I will provide more info upon you reply.  I only wanted to provide a
brief synopsis of what I am interested in.

Thank you in advance for you interest and assistance.


Sandra Shaw
Museum Studies Program, University of Toronto