In article <[log in to unmask]>,
  Ulrich Lachmuth <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi everybody, especially all wood conservators / restaurators out there.
> Just yesterday we (a commercial pest control company - no soliciting!)
> were approached by the owner of a 100-year old steam tug which is being
> slowly eaten by wet rot. The guy sure has some money but not enough to
> really take the boat apart "grand style".
> Is there an easy-to-apply, environmentally safe and
> lasting-in-wet-conditions fungicide known, or any other (realistic and
> manageable) approach to this particular type of problem?
> I should mention the boat is not a museum item, the idea is to have it
> in the water and moving again, preferrably this summer.
> Thanks for advice, and IOU in case of success
> Uli
Suggest you take a look at and the linked RottenBoat
'Zine. Quite a bit there on the use of epoxies for restoration of rotten wood.

The Rot Doctor
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 206 783 0307
Fax: 206 783 0582

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