My name is Annette Fortin. I am a graduate student in Museum Studies at
  San Francisco State University.  Thanks to all who gave me the CHIN
  information last week.

  I am writing my thesis on open 3-dimensional exhibits/dioramas (not
  enclosed in cases) and the issues which coincide with this: conservation,
  maintenance, environmental and pest management, and security.  I would
  like to get information from museums who have dealt with these issues.
  If your museum has open exhibits would you please take a few minutes to
  complete the questionnaire.  Please send it to me off-list.  If others
  are interested, I can post my results after they are compiled.

  Also, does anyone know of any articles that have dealt specifically with
  this topic.  My searches have not been able to find anything.  Thanks for
  any help you can offer.

  Annette L. Fortin
  Graduate Student, Museum Studies, San Francisco State University
  Curatorial Assistant for Geology
  California Academy of Sciences
  Golden Gate Park
  San Francisco, CA 94118
  phone: 415-750-7081              email: [log in to unmask]
  fax: 415-750-7090


  What is the name of your museum?

  What type of museum is it (natural history, historic house, art, etc.)?

  What is the size of your museum in square feet of exhibit space?

  How many open exhibits do you have?

  When were the exhibits first installed?

  What types of objects are out in the open?

  Generally, how long have the objects been on display?

  Are the objects rotated?  If so, what factors determine rotation?  How
  often are they rotated?

  What percentage of objects on display are originals or reproductions?

  Environmental controls:

  Does your facility have an HVAC system and/or dust filtering system?

  Do you find them satisfactory or unsatisfactory?  Why?

  Do you have a monitoring system for temperature and relative humidity?

  Is lighting controlled in the exhibit space?  How?

  Is food or cooking allowed in the exhibit space?

  Is smoking permitted at any time?


  Do you have a regular maintenance schedule or is maintenance done as
  needed?  If so, how often are exhibit objects cleaned?  Is it dependent
  on the object?

  Are there regular inspections of the objects in the exhibits?

  If so, who does it and is there written documentation?


  Do you have a pest management system in your exhibit area?  If so, what
  is it?

  Any problems?  What was the pest problem, the composition of the object
  affected, and the severity of the problem?


  Are there any barriers separating visitors from the displays?

  If so, what are they (ropes, alarms, guards, docents)?  Do they work?

  If not, are visitors respectful of the exhibits, or do they enter the
  exhibit spaces?

  Are objects secured in the exhibit itself?  What are some ways they might
  be secured?


  Were any objects treated chemically or otherwise before they were put on
  exhibit?  If so, what types of objects were they and what were they
  treated with?

  How have objects fared?

  What signs of wear can be seen?  What do you feel contributed to this


  Any additional comments, personal concerns, anecdotes,
  disasters, etc:

  What is your name and position?

  May I contact you if I have any other questions?

  If so, what is your email address or phone #?

  Thank you for all your help!