At the old location of L.A.C.E. (Los Angeles Contemporary Art Exhibitions, an
alternative space),  they had an LED "moving donor board" -- sort of Jenny
Holzer-esque.  This was back in the mid-1980s, so the technology now is far
advanced.  But it was a catchy idea, then and now!

Anne Farrell
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego

<< > What has been your favorite
 > approach to donor walls, considering expandability, creative look,...?

 something I'd like to see (but haven't come across)
 is a Big Screen and/or multi-monitors approach -- a wall
 that literally puts folks' names in lights!   content could be
stored/delivered by disc, or even via webpage...would solve the usual problems
of updating, revising, plus
 could "grow" by allowing user interfacing (visitors can  touch/mouseclick a
name on the screen(s) and see a portrait,  read a bio, listen to nice music or
narrative) >>