>Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers sing the following classics:
>"Pablo Picasso" (never was called an asshole)
>"Vincent VanGough" (he loved color and he let it show....who we talkin'
>about? Vincent Van Gough.)
>simply marvelous isn't it?

And let's not forget another Modern Lover's classic "Girlfren"

"If I were to walk through the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston,
Well... first I'd go to the room where they keep the Cezannes,
But if I were to have a girlfriend, I could look through the paintings,
I'd look right through them..."

Edward Rodley            email:           [log in to unmask]

Exhibit Planner             ph:           617.589.0296
Museum of Science,         fax:           617.742.2246
Boston, MA