One major consideration is whether the donor list is finite (i.e. those
that gave to the construction of the building or the exhibit) or whether
the list will change over time -- annual contributors, contributors to 5
year campaigns where recognition should be displayed before the campaign
closes etc.

We designed a series of very large wooden plaques with painted donor
names for the West Foyer of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, one or two
of which get repainted on an annual basis -- to add names and to
re-alphabetize names within categories.  It is somewhat labor intensive,
but it does provide for a coherent system that relates to the other
woodwork around the lobby -- painted wooden benches, information kiosk,
members' lounge furnishings, etc.  Recognition integrated with the
design and features of a space or exhibit may give the effect of donors
being more in on the project and may be well worth the effort made.

The artist who paints from
templates we prepare uses a clear coating to protect permanent finishes
under those that get removed and repainted.

Ann Trowbridge
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