Museum-L, please offer input:

I have received a request from a museum colleague in London to provide
her with information about U.S. museums which have well-developed
teacher training programs, especially programs in museums that focus on
the Civil War, Lincoln, and/or the Second World War.

Also, if you know of any U.S. (or other) universities which train
teachers to use museums as an integral part of a history curriculum,
please forward that information.

Finally, if you know of any conferences on this topic (museums as an
important part of school curriculum and/or museums providing teacher
training) that will take place between August and October, 1998, please
also forward the logistics.

Thank you for your assistance,
Krista Schepis

Krista K. Schepis
Program Associate
International Programs
American Association of Museums
1575 Eye Street, NW  Suite 400
Washington, DC  20005
Phone: (202) 218-7698
Fax: (202) 289-6578