Have you tried the NAGPRA site? - otherwise...

The best jumping off point for US legislation is usually the House of
Representaives Internet Library (which had 1,000s of links where the
legilation required in not on that server itself.

With in this the Indian Nations & Tribes legislation is at:


Patrick Boylan


On Mon, 22 Dec 1997, Laurent Lux wrote:

> Could you tell me how to get these legislations on Pc-Files or paper?
> I try to show the evolution of the Native Peoples' cultural and political
> definition through the laws for my M.A. about repatriation.
> 1894 - Regulation of the Indian Office (R.I.O.)
> 1904 - Regulation of the Indian Office (R.I.O.)
> 1906 - Federal Antiquity Act
> 1906 - Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities
> 1909 - Wampun Law
> 1960 - U.S. Reservoir Salvage Act
> 1974 - Archaeological and Historical Data Act
> 1975 - Indian Self Determination Act
> thank you and merry Christmass
> Laurent Lux
> Department of anthropology - Laval University
> Quebec City, Quebec, Canada