Hello All,
I encountered an odd situation this weekend.  I visited a friend who is
manager of a small and slightly new DC metro area museum to see how
things were doing.  The numbers of people in the relatively new museum were
small (considering the size of the museum).  I mentioned this observation
and my friend said that the museum does not advertise at all.  The museum
is located in a larger building (owned by a VERY large corporation) and
simply rents the space, thus, for some odd reason cannot advertise.  My
friend would like to get the word out but the parent company that owns his
museum has not allotted any funds for advertising.  People are just
supposed to show up according to their philosophy.  Is it me or is this a
recipe for disaster?

M Marie Maxwell
P.S. I'm being slightly vague bc I don't want any trouble for my friend.