Dear collegues,

The computer department of The State Tretiakov Gallery (Russia) made a web site
for the gallery, but the CD-ROM department starts the war against it.
So the web site is closed naw.

Could you help the web site to be ALIVE, by sending message to [log in to unmask]
or fax +7 (095) 135-3385 with the estimated information of images and materials
you are useing on your art museum's web sites.

1. Free images (learning proposes)
            the number of the images currently presented on the web    _______
            DPI  dots per inch    _______
            Dimentions (pixels)  _______
            Type of images  [   ] GIF, [   ] JPG, [   ] others

2. Haw many images you are going to add at 1998 year     _______

3. Are you going to sell images over net          [   ]  Yes,  [   ]  No

4. Haw many pages / topics currently on line                         _______

5. Who is the copyright owner of images      [   ]  Paint owner, [   ]  Museum,
                                                                           [   ]  Photorgafer,  [   ] Scanmaker

I'm REALY appresiate your help.

Sorry for the bad english.

Thank You,
"Museums of Russia on the Internet"  project leader,
Kirill A.Nasedkin.

Ph/Fax: +7 (095) 135-3385
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]