With apologies if you get more than one copy of this

Just a note to say that our Web site will be updated at the CCTA.
With the following changes this month:

1.      Annual Report
2.      Flier of the publication of BM Materials Thesaurus and
        Archaeological Objects Name Thesaurus
3.      E-mail Directory - additional entries and amendments.
4.      Stop Press (on Demon server)- updated to include links to paper
        on Aquarelle and CIMI

Coming later in December - 3 On-line Terminological Resources:

A.      BM Materials Thesaurus
B.      MDA Archaeological Objects Thesaurus
C.      ICOM Costume Committee's Vocabulary of Basic Terms (in 3

 Gordon McKenna                       e-mail: [log in to unmask]
 Museum Documentation Association
 Jupiter House, Station Road                        Tel:    +44 1223 315760
 Cambridge CB1 2JD, UK                              Fax:    +44 1223 362521
********************* http://www.open.gov.uk/mdocassn/index.htm ***********

David Dawson                    email: [log in to unmask]
- - - - - - -
Outreach Manager, Museum Documentation Association

NEW ADDRESS - 1 Hitchman Drive, Chipping Norton, OX7 5BG Telephone 01608 645576

MAIN MDA OFFICE - Jupiter House, Station Road, Cambridge, CB1 2JD
Tel: (+44) 1223 315760 Fax: (+44) 1223 362521
MDA WEB SITE - http://www.open.gov.uk/mdocassn/index.htm