I am currently working on a thesis for a masters in arts administration
from Columbia.  I am looking at non-traditional benefits, staff development
efforts, and reward systems through which museums can improve the quality
of life for their employees and offset the field's traditionally low salary
levels.  I'm interested in everything from an unusual form of insurance,
such as car or homeowner's insurance, to what most of us think of as the
unwritten perks of working at a museum, like having a piece from the
collection in one's office or attending a q&a session with artists before
an exhibition opening.  Flex hours, performance bonuses, paid sabbaticals,
day care provisions – are these benefits that many (any?) museum staffs are
offered?  If you believe your institution to be exemplary in this area,
could you please take a moment to consider the following questions?

What is an example of an unusual benefit or perk that your museum offers?
What effect do these offerings have on staff turnover rate and
institutional morale?
Are there other museums making efforts in this area that you would suggest
I contact?
Are you aware of any pertinent literature (other than that offered by AAM)
in this area?
May I contact you directly either by email or telephone to get more

Many thanks for any input you might have for me.

Karen Stahr Kim
Candidate, MA, Arts Administration
Teachers College/Columbia University
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