Try visitng our Web site for background information. SPECTRUM, the UK
Museum Documentation Standard says:-

The accessions register should be made of archival quality paper and be
bound in permanent form. If a computer system is being used, copies of
new records should be printed out on archival quality paper using a
durable print medium and securely bound. The print-out should be signed
and dated. Dates output by the computer are sufficient for this purpose.
Microfiche copies, and under certain circumstances, CD-ROM, are also
acceptable. A back-up copy of the manual or computer record should be
made and held at an outside location. The original register should be
kept in a secure condition, ideally in a fire-proof cabinet. It is
important to retain the original information and not replace it with
later revisions. If print-outs are used, they should be produced
sufficiently often and kept securely enough to prevent tampering with
the information.

In article <[log in to unmask]>, Perry <[log in to unmask]>
>This is to inquire about the status of the Accession Book in museum
>record keeping. It has been recommended by one of our staff to abandon
>keeping this book in favor of computerized records with a hard copy work
>sheet.  The worksheet information would be entered into the computer.
>I would like to get some feedback as to making a fundmental change such
>as this.
>Ken Perry
>Museum of the Big Bend

David Dawson                    email: [log in to unmask]
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Outreach Manager, Museum Documentation Association

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