There are few, if any, museums, libraries & archives which could do their
jobs as well as they do without the assistance of volunteers.

Over the years I have trained many volunteers to perform conservation
treatments (under supervision) on institutional collections and some of
them have developed skills of a very high order.

One observation is that volunteers who are networking (i.e., looking to
become a musuem professional) or who may be retired but miss contact with
the public or the give and take of an office atmosphere are not likely to
want to work in the conservation lab, or be shut away in storage/processing

Most of the volunteers I've trained were retirees who brought good work
habits and a lifetime of experience to the task at hand; knowing them has
enriched my personal and professional life.

Jack C. Thompson
Thompson Conservation Lab.
7549 N. Fenwick
Portland, OR  97217

503/735-3942 (voice/fax)         The lyf so short; the craft so long to lerne
                               Chaucer, _The Parlement of Foules_  1386 AD