Just a reminder (cross-posted, please excuse dulplicate messages) --

     NAGPRA grant deadlines are approaching.
     Deadline for tribal documentation grants is
        (postmarked by) NOVEMBER 21, 1997
     Deadline for museum documentation grants is
        (postmarked by) DECEMBER 5, 1997

     I will pre-review grants faxed to me by 2 weeks before the appropriate
     deadline -- the sooner you fax, the more time you have to fix

     NAGPRA staff is also around and about and more than happy to discuss
     ideas or look at drafts at any of the following locations:

     Tim McKeown, NAGPRA Program Leader, will be at the following --
        October 24 at the University of Chicago
        November 13 - 21 at the Santa Fe Hilton for the National Congress
     of American Indians annual meeting and UN-Reno course

     I will be at the following --
        October 23-24 at the Southeastern Museum Conference annual meeting
     (Exhibit Hall, North Raleigh Hilton, North Carolina)
        November 5-6 at the New England Museum Association annual meeting
     (around and about, Sheraton Hartford Hotel, Connecticut)
        November 14-15 at the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums annual
     meeting (Resource Marketplace, Hyatt Regency Rochester, New York)

     The whole NAGPRA staff will be in and out at the American
     Anthropological Association annual meeting and UN-Reno course in
     Washington, DC, November 19-25.

     Send a message or call (202-343-1095) if you have questions.

     [log in to unmask]
     NAGPRA Consultant
     National Park Service
     Archeology & Ethnography Program
     Washington, DC