We had an exhibit of Canadian Inuit artists about a year ago.  Yes,
the Canadian govt. does mandate an artist fee.  For our exhibit the
cost was $95(Caanadian) per artist.  We felt okay about paying that.
We were a little less sanguine about having to pay an extra fee to
the gallery where some of the works had been on display.

I'm on the exhibits committee for a local art center and the policy
there is to, at most,  pay return shipping  and insurance for art
work.  We have very occasionally had a show where the artist has
requested a fee.  We do very few of those, as you might guess.  When
we have had national juried shows we have charged a jury fee.  I
personally have had work in shows which charged entry AND hanging
fees.  Strange and wonderful place, the art world.

Mariana Mace