Our list of naval & other nautical museums in Britain and Ireland has
been revised again. There are now about 235 museums or museum-ships
listed & about 325 historic vessels. The updated files are, as before,
on Mailbase, the UK academic discussion list and information service:-


is the URL for an index file with links to the 10 subsections of our

This URL:


will access the entire list, which is a 142 K-byte plain ascii text
file, about 4062 lines long.

The same directory holds the 10 subsections, with filenames beginning
a_intro.mar through to j_ships.mar. Any of these files should also be
retrievable by anonymous ftp via the address:

        ftp ftp.mailbase.ac.uk

** Please make a note of these URLs for future reference, because the
administrators of Mailbase deliberately exclude access to the usual
indexing robots used by web search engines such as AltaVista, Yahoo,
etc.  If you search for a museum that is in our list, the search
engines will probably not find either of the Mailbase URLs I have
given above (though you may find it listed under some other URL).

** For the same reason, we welcome webmasters at other appropriate
sites adding links to the .../mar_museums.html URL.

Our thanks again to Dr Glen Segell, of the Center for Defence Studies
at London University, for arranging the transfer to Mailbase.
                                                        Thu  97-09-25
Martin H Evans [log in to unmask]       Janet West [log in to unmask]
   111 High Street, Linton,            Scott Polar Research Institute
   Cambridgeshire CB1 6JT, UK          University of Cambridge,
                                       Lensfield Road,
   Tel: +44 (0)1223 891469             Cambridge CB2 1ER,  UK