Art Treasures from the Vienna Collections

        Art Treasures from the Vienna Collections( 2 copies)lent by the
Austrian Government
        appeared in 7 museums including the Metropolitan,1949-1952      6
x 9",unpaged,Dutch paintings,
tapestries, armor, Greek & Roman antiquities, Renaissance bronzes,6 pgs of
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VG $20
        Vienna Treasures, An ARTnews Picture Book for the Exhibition
lent from the Vienna
Collections by the Austrian Government ( 2 copies)   The Art Foundation,
NY 1950 7 1/2 x
10",146 pgs, covers Rome & mediaeval Europe,Renaissance in
Venice,Caravaggio, Velazquez,
Rubens & Rococco, all explained, 4 or 5 pages of advertising in back.VG $25

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