
The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) has been working on a "Checklist for Licensing Museum Images" which I think is now available in hardcopy, as well as at their website.  I'm sure you can find out more at the CHIN website


Greg Spurgeon
Head, Art Documentation & Storage / Chef, documentation & d'entreposage d'oeuvres d'art
Registration / Enregistrement
National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
380 Sussex Drive / 380, promenade Sussex
P.O. Box 427, Station A / C.P. 427, Succursale A
Ottawa, Ontario

tel: 613-990-0482  fax: 613-990-8689  email: [log in to unmask]

>>> Doug Davidge <[log in to unmask]> 09/11/97 02:06am >>>
I am searching for examples of contracts between museums and media
producers.  In this case a small community museum is entering into a
partnership with a private video  producer on a 1 hour video.  If there
is anyone out there that could provide a framework or example of a
contract, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Doug Davidge
[log in to unmask]