Michael Naranjo, sculptor, also is a Native American, and just happens to
be blind. He is featured this week in a two part article about his life,
his work, and his triumphs. As a world class sculptor, he is an inspiration
for all disabled people, but also for the rest of us.
<http://finearts.miningco.com/library/weekly/aa091297.htm>. The top page of
my site is at <http://finearts.miningco.com> and carries many annoucements
about the site.

This is the kickoff article for a series of Fine Arts and Disabilities
links which I have compiled in the resources section of my site.
<http://finearts.miningco.com/msubdisabilities.htm>. If you know of any
other outstanding links, I would very much appreciate your suggesting them
to me by e-mail. I am particularly interested in located other disabled
fine artists.:  [log in to unmask]
Chris Jeffries
Fine Arts Guide at the Mining Company
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