Registration materials are now available for Connections '97, a doctoral
student conference to be held October 24-25, 1997 at the University of
Michigan School of Information in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Connections '97,
the Third Great Lakes Information Science Conference, will provide a
forum for the exchange of research among doctoral students from all
information science related fields.  Two nationally renowned invited
speakers will address attendees and several social events are planned to
increase networking opportunities.

Registration materials for Connections '97 can be found at our website:

For additional information on the conference, visit our website or write
us at:

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We look forward to seeing many of you in October.  Few things in life are
as nice as a fall weekend in Ann Arbor!


Bradley L. Taylor
School of Information
University of Michigan

   Connections '97:  The Third Great Lakes Information Science Conference

     University of Michigan School of Information, October 24-25, 1997