The Brooklyn Historical Society is in the midst of a similar change
towards more child- and family-friendly exhibits, although the institution
is currently in a bit of a transition.  Their number there is  718
624-0890, and at this point I would suggested asking for the curator, Judy.
 The Minnesota History Center in St. Paul has done some very nice
interactive history exhibits;  you might want to call them as well.  The
National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian also has a discovery
center for children.  As for the influences you mentioned, I think that
children's museums have had as much if not more influence on hands-on
history centers.  A number of children's museums have also done exhibits on
history themes--to find out which, you might want to contact the Associaton
of Youth Museums in Washington, DC.  Good luck!

Kathleen Condon
Community Project Coordinator/Senior Developer
Brooklyn Children's Museum
Brooklyn, NY  11213
718 735-4402