I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but this world's first has already
been accomplished.

On 23 January 1997, the opening of the photo exhibition "24 Hours in
Cyberspace" was "cybercast" live on two web sites. The exhibition was
held at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian
Institution. Rick Smolan, founder of Against All Odds Productions and
the man behind the "Day in the Life" series of books was responsible
for this exhibition as well. The remarks of Smolan, Smithsonian
Provost Dennis O'Connor, and keynote speaker Vice President Al Gore
were all cybercast on the World Wide Web. In addition, Vice President
Gore participated in a demonstration of Internet videoconferencing,
linking up with sites in Japan, Australia, the Arctic Circle, and
three domestic locations.

Good luck with your program and enjoy the technology, it is a lot of

Dennis Comerford
Videoconference Coordinator
National Museum of American History
Room 1030  MRC 606
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC  20560
Vox:  +1 202.357.4976
Fax:  +1 202.786.2423
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]