With our background which is biased towards architecture, musueums
and the lighting of historic buildings, we may be a more appropriate
group of people to help you than stage lighting designers. (We have
members of staff who are stage lighting designers as well)

Please have a look at our web site, although we have put no examples of
precisely this kind of work there, we have undertaken similar projects

With best wishes,

Mark Sutton Vane.

 |                            Sutton Vane Associates                     |
 |                                Lighting Design                        |
 |        Britannia House, 1 Glenthorne Road, London W6 0LH, UK.         |
 |         Tel +44 (0) 181 563 9370  Fax +44 (0) 181 563 9371            |
 |                       email [log in to unmask]                 |
 |                                                                       |
 |               See our work on  http://www.suttonva.demon.co.uk/       |