Hey all--
        I've an odd question and knew you were the right people to answer
it.  In the course of preparing anatomical specimens, an anatomist down at
my place called me and asked what the best method of defleshing *embalmed*
remains was.  I didn't know for sure, but told him that a 70 degree water
bath ought to do the trick, especially with some detergent added.  After
the flesh starts to come off, the rest may be gently removed by hand.
        He said they they were in the warming vats (read "stock pots")
even as we spoke and they were proving resistent to such gentle treatment.
 Does anyone have experience dealing with this particular issue?  Would
love to hear your advice.  Please respond to the group or my own email at

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Matthew Rowley
Collections Manager
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine