
I was neat to see a familiar name the other week on museum-l.  My job in
development is going very well.  I am learning much about the fundraising
world, and rather quickly!  This place is jumping with excitment b/c of the
Capital Campaign.  They only have abou $10 million to go.  I know that
sounds like a lot, but it is only 1/5 of their goal!  My boss, Lucia Petrie, is a
dynamo!  She is extremely successful, professional, and classy, but
really knows how to have fun in the process!  I love working for her.
She truly trusts and respects her staff which is reassuring.  She even
let me write a proposal to Estee Lauder last month!  I was nervous, but
she really liked what I produced!  We didn't get the money though b/c we
found out too late that they don't support exhibitions, only programs.  Oh
well, it was good practice.

Well, I hope all is well in your office.  I don't know how you do it all by
yourself!  Good luck with your membership drive!